Baipatra VSC

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CM1 Introduction to Model Development for Prediction, Simulation and Optimization

CM2 Seven New Nature Inspired Optimization Techniques

CM3 Introduction to Glowworm Optimization Technique

CM4 Artificial Intelligence and Water Resource Development

CM5 Application of Genetic Algorithm in Multi Attribute Decision Making Problems

CM6 Application of MAUT in Water Resource Management

CM7 Optimization Techniques and their application in Hydro-informatics

CM8 How to use Surfer in Water Resources Development

CM9 Application of Geographical Information System in Water Resource Management

CM10  Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD)

CM11 Application of ELECTRE in Water Resource Management

CM12 Application of Analytical Networking Process(ANP) in Water Resource Management

CM13 Introduction to Flood CM14 Introduction to Flood Routing CM15 Introduction to Water Resource Planning and Management

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EIS11-Risk Minimization of WTP with the help of MCDM and Invasive Weed Optimization Techniques. For details visit Energy in Style.

EIS12-Vulnerability Assessment of Water Resource Management Plans for Optimal Utilization of Water Resources of Coastal Settlements with the help of Albatross wind shear algorithm. For details visit Energy in Style.

EIS13-Risk Analysis of Alternative Arrangements for Mitigation of Rising Scarcity of Water in a Periurban Region with the help of Albatross wind shear algorithm.For details visit Energy in Style.

EIS14-Impact of Brick Industry on the Surface Water Resoures.For details visit Energy in Style.

EIS15-Identification of the Most Significant Feature Which Causes Attenuation and Lag in the Routing of Flood Hydrograph.For details visit Energy in Style.

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Very Short Term Courses on Data Science,AI,GIS and their applications on Water Resource Development and Management

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